Chicken Soup for Him


Untying the apron from his waist, Lucas carefully folded the fabric before stuffing it inside a tote bag. He planned to send it to be washed alongside his uniform and chef cap, using the hotel's laundry service.

Lucas stayed at the hotel last night instead of returning to his apartment. A few other chefs were also the same. Cutting their commute time was more beneficial during this busy period.

Thankfully, Lucas could rely on Harris to look after Honeypuff during his absence. Through the photos sent by the young teen, the ball of fluff seemed to enjoy her time spent with Harris.

The hotel management prepared one room each for the chefs involved in the anniversary event. The chambers were smaller compared to the rest in the prestigious hotel but, they were comfortable enough.

"Mr. Liu, is it your break time?"

"See you in two hours! You've worked hard!"