Are You Guys in a Relationship?

Former Patriarch Ding's private doctor checked Liliana's injured right foot as soon as she arrived back at the mansion. After a short yet thorough examination, the doctor deemed it was not severe.

Cassia, Talia and Mrs. Li accompanied Liliana in her bedroom. They intently listened to the doctor's verdict.

"Fourth Miss, your ligament has a slight stretching. It'll heal in a few days as long as you don't exert yourself. You need to ice and compress your foot for now. I'll suggest exercises you can do later."

Liliana thanked the doctor before sending him away. Mrs. Li offered to assist her with the necessary treatment, much to the young lady's appreciation.

Mrs. Li iced Liliana's ankle while resting her foot on a pillow to elevate it. She proceeded to compress the young lady's foot with an ankle brace.

"It'll be uncomfortable to sleep like that but, it'll help with your healing, Miss Liliana."