Chapter 8

Almost immediately, Gu Ai and Feng Yi sauntered over to Chen Fenhua, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

"When did you start playing?"

"What's your username?"

"You said you'd join right? You can't take it back!"

"I'll send you the registration link right now!"

Captain and vice captain Gu Ai and Chen Fenhua who had never tasted victory so clearly would not let such an opportunity pass them by.

"One is ranked Sage..." Feng Yi excitedly said, Gu Ai smirked and continued, "the other is ranked Legend...if we ride this momentum we might just win!"

"See that Xia-Xia? Even the school prince wants to take part, won't you join them?" Shaiming asked, pouting.

Gu Ai and Feng Yi rushed over to the young master and kowtowed to him, "please reconsider." They begged in high pitched voices, repeatedly hitting their heads on the ground.

Luó Xiang was at a loss for words. 'This fucking Chen Fenhua, who the hell asked him to join? What a pain.' he grimaced, already appalled by the idea.

But still, this wasn't such a bad thing. He needed one more gold star and to attain that, he needed to participate in a team match. However, the young master had no interest in competing with others.

And, placing that aside, his rank was far too high which reduced his compatibility with the already formed teams. Also considering the fact that he never went for any events he was invited to, he had gained the name, DARK HORSE amongst the top fifty ranked players in the world.

Which was why whenever he formed a team to earn a star and rank higher, the other highly ranked players wouldn't join. Who would want to join and give the dark horse a chance to rank even higher?

Luó Xiang sighed, there were just too many people envious of him.

"Alright then, I'll join your team, but I have one condition." The young master announced, both boys raised their heads from the floor, and stared at him, like though he were an angel clad in light.

"Anything beauty." Gu Ai sharply chimed, willing to sell his spirit to her if need be.

Pleased with his dedication Luó Xiang cleared his throat and folded his arms across his chest, after pulling his lips back into a mischievous grin he parted his lips to say...

"My condition is, we must win." He declared brimming with so much confidence that all the boys felt their hearts skip a beat.

Meanwhile, the rest of the girls watched in envy as Luó Xiang was fawned over by the boys, over a game they couldn't rank higher than scout.

"Jiějiě, this bitch is getting too much attention, we should do something to humble her." One of the girls said, polishing the nails of a black shoulder length girl with silver piercings on her lower lip and nose.

The other girls nodded in unison, begrudgingly applying extra make-up on their faces, forgetting they would have to tone it down once a teacher walks in.

"But look, Shaiming is fawning over her, is she protecting her? Do they know each other?" Another girl observed, directing their attention to Huang Shaiming.

The one referred to as Jiějiě relaxed her shoulders and cracked a confident smile, "relax, let's first get to know her, she just doesn't understand the rules yet." She told them in a calm manner, staring intently at the blonde Luó Xiang.

"I say we educate her." She added, pulling her lips back into a full lipped smile.

*Close of school*

Time breezed by with only two teachers gracing class 2-F the entire day. Most teachers who wanted to keep their sanity avoided such a class teeming with tyrants and troublemakers.

"Sister, let me carry your bag for you?"

"Will you take the bus home or ride a bike?"

"I can carry you to the bus stop."

Luó Xiang rolled his eyes as the boys fawned over him in such a distasteful manner, treating him like a delicate egg. He grimaced when he recalled how he merely sneezed in geography class, but received ten handkerchiefs all at once.

"I'm not going home, I have to go to the library." He told them repeatedly, shooing them away.

"Why would you go there? Is that place real?" Feng Yi asked with all seriousness, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Luó Xiang couldn't tell if he was trying to be humourous or if he seriously hadn't been to the library before. He looked at Gu Ai, but he was equally as confused as his friend, perhaps wondering the same thing.

The young master pinched his temples. "Anyhow, when is the tournament? I'll draw up a plan to schedule our practice hours." He suggested, walking out the class door, with both captain and vice following closely behind.

Chen Fenhua watched the fairy leave and clicked his tongue, a classmate walks up to him and slings her arm round his waist. Two more girls flock at his sides, tugging on his arms.

"School prince, you promised to go karaoke with us don't think we've forgotten." One of them said, shaking her hips wildly allowing her short skirt to expose her thigs.

"Let's get ice cream afterwards!"

"And upload plenty pictures too, who knows if you'll get scouted."

Chen Fenhua sighed, he clearly didn't recall asking any of these girls out, but knew better than to decline their offer.

"Fine, let's go." He said, the excited girls squealed and took his things, they packed his stuff into his bag, then dragged him out of the classroom.

Once he had left, there were only girls remaining, Shaiming tossed her only textbook into her bag and let out a sigh.

"Those stinky boys." She frowned, pissed off that they would dare to run off with the class fairy.

"Shaiming! Can I have a word?"

At the mention of her name, she lazily tossed a glance at the only girl with the guts to talk so casually to her. The rest of the girls would rather jump off a building than confront her directly.

"Yes, Mingzhu?" She retorted with uninterested eyes, looking down at the one known as Jiějiě.

The other girls in the class circled around Shaiming, leaving no room for her to escape through.

"Heh? Have you finally lost it? I didn't know a small branch of the family dared to act so cheeky." Shaiming retorted, unafraid of whatever her distant cousin would want.

"Excuse me young miss Huang." Mingzhu rolled her eyes and sarcastically remarked.

"You're excused." Shaiming retorted, folding her arms across her chest, offending Mingzhu in front of all her followers.

Mingzhu angrily pulled out a cigarette from her breast pocket, one of the girls handed her a lighter. She lit the butt of the cigarette then pushed it to her lips, her eyes never leaving Shaiming.

"I see you're still as classless, don't ever refer to yourself as a branch of your family, it'll give our name a sour taste." Shaiming scoffed and said.

"You-!" The agitated girl lunged forward and gripped the cocky girl by her collar, lifting her feet off the ground.

However, Shaiming remained unfazed, she glared at Mingzhu and made it look like she was the one looking down at her, as though her existence was likened to a filthy cockroach.

"You have no power to touch me, unless you want your family completely cut off."

Mingzhu clicked her tongue and let go, picking a fight with an entitled young miss was far from what she aimed to achieve.

Relaxing her shoulders she let out a thick cloud of smoke, she signalled two girls to get them chairs. They hurriedly complied and placed two seats for both ladies.

Mingzhu sat with her hands in-between her thighs, a dangerous look in her eyes. Shaiming on the other hand, straightened her back and sat legs crossed, an annoyed expression on her face.

"Don't waste anymore of my time." Shaiming warned, she glared at the girls, "you're too close, move." The word move was said with gritted teeth, forcing all the girls to back away.

"I won't." Mingzhu retorted, she perfectly balanced her cigarette in-between her index and middle finger, then let out a thicker cloud of smoke through her nostrils.

"You were getting pretty chummy with the new girl, are you seriously protecting her?" Mingzhu asked.

"That is what you wanted to ask me?" Shaiming retorted in a cold tone, her words were so sharp that Mingzhu flinched.

However she quickly recovered, nervously laughing, "Aiyaa I never thought you'd take an interest in someone. Has Young Miss Huang gone soft?" The mockery in her tone seemed to strike a nerve in Shaiming.

She reached for her bag and pulled out her only textbook, she tossed the heavy book at Mingzhu who caught it with one hand, right before it's spine could hit her right eye.

"What the..."

"Look inside, and tell me if I've gone soft." Shaiming rudely interrupted, standing to take her leave.

Mingzhu quickly opened the textbook only for pictures and papers to fall out of it. All information collected and complied about one person in particular, comparison of pictures of her childhood and pictures of her at the airport.

They were all photos of Luó Xiang.

"As expected of my cousin, you don't disappoint." Mingzhu remarked, impressed by how concise the young miss was.

Standing at the door, Shaming flung her head back to reveal emotionless eyes, which was a sharp contrast to her usual cheerful gaze.

"I only need to get close enough to determine whether or not she's a threat to the Huang family. If she isn't I'll have a chance to breech the impregnable Luó family." She explained.

Mingzhu cocked a grin, "and what if she is?"

Any form of emotions on Shaiming's face suddenly vanished, she looked intently at Mingzhu then said something that made the other girls widen their eyes in stun.

"I always pluck out thorns from roses." She said before walking out of the classroom, reminding everyone including Mingzhu who truly ruled class 2-F.