Chapter 9

School Library

Luó Xiang realized first hand a major disadvantage of being a shut in, who never cared to socialize with others.

After using more than half an hour to find the library, he walked inside only to realize he was the only one inside, aside someone who was sleeping by the window.

The young master sighed, "no one came?" He questioned walking into the large air-conditioned room, with dark blue seats and tall white shelves, measuring up to the ceiling.

After looking around for five minutes, he gave up and decided to just go home. He pulled out his phone from his pants pocket, not watching where he was going.


The young master ended up walking into a shelve, hitting his forehead hard against the wooden side.

"Ouch! Shit!" He cursed in a not so womanly voice, as the books on the shelve fell off, scattering across the floor.

The young master was too fixated on the books he would have to pick up, to notice a globe balanced on top of the shelve, about to fall directly on his head.

As the heavy globe wobbled and shook, Luó Xiang stood in place, cursing himself for not watching where he was going. And just as it's balanced tipped, the object ended up falling at a fast speed, doomed to fall and perhaps break the young master's skull.

However, the boy sleeping by the window immediately stood up and lunged forward, slapping away the object, hurting his own wrist.

Luó Xiang took two steps back, overwhelmed by the taller boy's presence, the globe fell behind him, causing a loud thud in the silent room.

It was only then, that the young master realized how it would have been him falling into his own pull of blood and not the heavy globe, someone just placed on top of the shelves.

"Are you ok?"

Luó Xiang looked up to see a pair of blue eyes staring intently at him, he flickered his eyelids, stunned to see a foreigner in the same uniform.

"Fine." He answered, darting his eyes to the fallen books, without any more introduction, he walked away to gather the books which had fallen.

Leaving behind the good looking foreigner in awe.

She didn't ask for a picture, Axel thought to himself, taking an interest in the beauty with blonde hair.

Whereas, the youngster simply didn't ask because of three things, the first and most important thing being he didn't care. The second, was the upbringing the Luó family gave to both himself and Luó Xia. They were strictly raised to act proper at all times, especially when faced with strangers.

And the third was because he basically grew up in the states and had seen plenty of foreigners.

"Tch." Luó Xiang cursed, reaching for a high shelf trying to place back a heavy physics textbook. He tried twice, then realized he just wasn't tall enough.

Axel who noticed this, wanted to walk up and offer his assistance, with no ulterior motives attached. Luó Xiang however, flung his head over his shoulder then pointed at Axel.

"You! Wanna go to the arcade after this?" He offered, pointing the book at the taller foreigner with black hair that kissed his eyebrows.

Axel furrowed his brows, perhaps he had been wrong about her? Maybe she just realized he was different from the average indigen.

He parted his lips to turn the pretty fairy down, only for Luó Xiang to beat him to it. The young master walked up to him and slapped the book into his hands, being too rough for a girl.

"Help me stack these books and I'll treat you to the arcade later today. And if you can beat me in one game..." He thought for a second, using his eyes to seize up Axel from head to toe.

Sturdy arms, the young master noted inwardly grinning from ear to ear. "Fine, if you can beat me once, I'll be your lapdog for a week." He suggested, trying to make the odds worthwhile.

Axel frowned, "and why would I want to bully a little bunny?"

"Who are you calling little? Listen here, I'm being generous, if you could beat me then you had to be more of a shut in than I am. And judging by your healthy skin, I beg to differ." The young master retorted, singing his own praises.

Now Axel was taking more of an interest. He gathered the rest of the books and stacked them into the higher shelves. Then he picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulders, "and if you win, what do you want?"

Luó Xiang rolled his tongue around his mouth, "you have sturdy arms and long legs, if I had to take a guess then..." A creepy smile crept on his face as an idea popped into his head.

"When I win, you'll have to..."


Luó Xiang who had invited Axel out, had no idea where to find said spot. If the taller boy had not previously been there scouting fun areas, he would have to rely on Luó Xiang's horrible sense of direction.

As the two walked inside, everyone would throw glances and whisper something in a not so discreet manner. It wasn't common to see such a handsome foreigner and a delicate beauty walking together.

"Are they idols?"

"Maybe they're a couple!"

"I want to go ask!"

Luó Xiang ignored all the side talk and took in the sight of the place, it was on the same level with the ones abroad. The youngster rushed to the 3D simulation and sat in it like an excited child, ogling over the different features.

"Baby, you still haven't told me your name yet." Axel said, resting one hand against the seat, pulling his lips back into a charming smile.

Luó Xiang gave him a blank look, "isn't it rude not to introduce yourself first?" He sharply retorted, earning a chuckle out of him.

"The name's Axel, what's yours?" He asked, getting even more interested in who this beauty was.

Being half Chinese, he never met such level headed women at the planned dates his grandfather would force him to attend. They were all either too submissive or came off too strong, there was no middle ground.

Luó Xiang got off the seat, "do you have a lolipop?" He demanded, looking at Axel's protruding front pocket.

The taller boy reached into his pants and pulled out a lolipop a girl in his class had gifted him. He offered it to the greedy sweet toothed Luó Xiang, who hadn't had time to buy some.

Without so much as a thank you, Luó Xiang swiftly unwrapped and popped the lolipop into his mouth, his eyes lighting up at the realization it was coconut flavoured.

Flicking his hair back he half smiled and tilted his head to the side, pointing at himself he said...

"Call me big brother."

Author's Note: Please Vote for faster chapters, see y'all in the next one