53: Pending discussions

The old leader of the tribe did not wait around and ushered the company back to the village in a hurry. There, they were given one of the best-looking houses without delay but Sakura's uneasiness grew in leaps and bounds.

"You all are most welcome here. Lady Suzuki, please take a seat. Lady Amane, you as well. The rest of you are free to grab a seat as well."

Even though the leader said that there were only 2-3 seats that even looked safe enough to sit in. Aqua had already taken a seat on the ground followed by Eclipse. Sakura did not want to follow their lead but there seemed to be no other way around.

Sakura's face showed her hesitation and discomfort and the one who happened to catch it was none other than Charlie Suzuki.

"Sakura, are you alright? Ah, there is no chair left for you to sit in, huh? Well, you can have mine."