54: Taken care of

The poacher's base was usually a chill place. But tensions were high ever since the news of Lady Suzuki and her company's arrival had spread around. She was someone the poachers did not want to cross paths with.

Ideally, the poachers would have liked to stay under the radar for Lady Suzuki's trip but it was going to be tougher than they expected.

Their sponsor was starting to crack down on them already and it was pushing everyone on edge. That was the reason they had to take reckless actions and risk getting caught by Lady Suzuki.

And things had happened just as they had feared them to happen - a lot of their members had gotten caught by Lady Suzuki's gang.

In the end, there were only a few people left in the poacher's den and all of them were low-level workers who were only there to make up the numbers.

"Man, I a so bored. All of our senior members ended up disappearing on us and now we are left to clean up the mess here."