1.1 A Welcome Surprise


That was the first thing that greeted me the moment I hit the cold hard ground. Part of me felt a bit surprised that I still even have a consciousness after death. But at the same time, I've stopped caring about anything the moment I got hit by a sports car careening off the road at breakneck speeds.

After all, why bother when I was already dead?

It was a decent life, at least. I didn't think that I'd die this quickly, but that's just life. Granted, life was boring, and my job working at a steel fabrication workshop was only as exciting as watching paint dry. Sure, I got to make some cool stuff like actual gargoyles and chandeliers, but otherwise, I only got to work on standard fences and the occasional wire meshes. Nothing too fancy. Well, as fancy as the clients wanted it to be.

"Might as well stew in my own thoughts," I said aloud onto the empty void. "It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon."

*I wouldn't exactly count on that, Mister Rex.*

My eyes widened as I felt the hairs on my neck stand on end. Who was that? I didn't really deny the existence of God back when I was still alive, so maybe-

*Yes. I am God.*

Well, that was rather rude.

"Uhmm..." Damn. I didn't really pray to Him at all, no matter how much I told my parents I did so. "I'm sorry, I suppose."

Might as well start begging for forgiveness now. Maybe He'll actually buy it?

*There's no need for that, My child,* the booming voice of God echoed throughout the void, rocking my body with what I assumed to be limitless power. *I haven't exactly made my presence known these past few millennia.*

I raised my head up to the dark void. God was.. laughing?

*Yeah, that's me alright.* Of course, God can read my thoughts. Who'd have thunk it? *And I don't appreciate your sarcasm, mister.*

"Sorry, I guess," I immediately half-chuckled out. Can't piss off the literal God now, do I? "It's a coping mechanism."

*I can see that,* God affirmed, his tone sounding like he was busy with something. *You've lived a rather boring life, huh. Well, from your point of view, at least.*

"What can I say? I just tell it how a see it," I shrugged, half-hoping that I wasn't going to act too antagonistic to the actual God. "It's a character trait of mine."

*So I take it then that life was an unsatisfactory experience for you?* God asked, the sounds of ruffling papers echoing in His background almost making me raise an eyebrow.

"I... suppose so?" I shrugged in indifference. "Never really accomplished anything in life beyond just living day to day."

*Not even that sword you just finished?*

I sighed in reluctant acceptance. Nobody would see it anyway. Well, I planned on going to a medieval fair some time to show off my smithing skills. It wasn't the cheapest of hobbies, but it was fun.

*Geez.. With thoughts like that, no wonder you're taking your death so well.*

"That's just life," I explained, not really putting up a respectable front to the Almighty Being speaking to me. "You learn to deal with it, or you just end up cursing every second of your existence"

*That's just sad.*

"That's just how it is," I calmly pointed out. "If it happens, then it happens. No use fighting it."

Silence echoed throughout the void as God decided to simply leave me hanging, the background noises of what seemed to be filing paperwork giving an oddly relaxing ambiance as I waited for the deity to respond.

*Oookay...* God's booming voice drawled out as He came back to address me. *From the looks of things, you're eligible for a number of different afterlife packages...*

What? Afterlife packages?

"Wa-wait a minute... What?" I almost did a double-take at the implications of God's wording. "You mean there's more than one afterlife?"

*You can elect to grab an economy class ticket to the Underworld with access up to the third circle of Hell,* God rattled on, ignoring my previous questions in favor of enumerating what was apparently my retirement options. *That's the standard package for general sinners like yourself.*


*You can also avail a reincarnation ticket since you never really had any attachments in your life,* the booming voice droned on, still ignoring my protests and overall confusion. *Pretty popular with the anime folk like you.*

I blinked at His words. I was pretty sure He just insulted me. Also, a literal Isekai scenario?! That didn't even sound real.

*And lastly, you can simply choose to stay in this empty void for the rest of eternity,* God finished off His list with a slight flourish, His tone that of a promodizer in a hardware store. *All in all, quite the formidable selection considering most people automatically go to the first option.*

I felt my head spin at the incredulity of my situation. Was I seriously being offered a choice in an afterlife?

*The clause also states that should you not choose in the next thirty seconds, a random option will be chosen for you-*

What was I supposed to do?! Was there even a choice in the matter?

*-so best start thinking, mister*

"Wait!" I shouted out to the Almighty Being. "Do I choose which world I get to reincarnate in?"


What? That was kind of unfair now, wasn't it?

*-But I'm taking that as your final answer.*

"Wh- Seriously?! I don't even get to choose?"

*Enjoy your new life!*

A flash of bright light consumed me as I was suddenly thrust into who knows where. I felt my body shrinking while I curiously palmed out my current location. Darkness still surrounded me, though not at the same grand scope of the void that I once occupied in my death. It seemed that I was in some kind of.. fleshy prison, perhaps? Coupled with the warm fluid and the faint thumping that I was hearing, one would think that I was in a-

An unthinkable scenario popped into my head. Could it be... No, that would be stupid.

I wasn't literally gonna be born again, was I?


Welp, here we are again. I really hope this takes off unlike my first attempt at this. Also, don't think I've given up on Beta Test. I'll update that when I have the time.

Also, there will be terms here that might not make sense to most people. I highly suggest you read the Auxiliary Chapters for a better explanation