14.1 Theorycrafting

200 F.Y.


Like the many times that I've said this in my mind: I have no idea what I was doing.

"So, what is this 'bacteria' thingy supposed to be again?"

It's been some few odd weeks since we somehow managed to get out of our specially-made hell on earth. After a few more days of travel and copious amounts of questioning on whether or not we were still in Empire territory, I finally told everyone to stop and set up shop in the middle of what looked to be nowhere just beside the top of a steep waterfall. It might not be the best location for a fledgling town to start building, but the most important part of any civilization was running water. So after a few more days of convincing the others to not make our homes in the middle of the nearby forest, my large band of five hundred and nine eventually started building our new homes beside this nameless waterfall.