17.7 Grave

After a few more swings, Lise gave a glowing nod of approval before running her hand across the blade's Seigels. "Woah... There's so much already! How did the Nenner that made this manage to squeeze this much into it?"

I shook my head as I smiled under my breath. Leave it to Dad to jam as many Seigels onto one single object without losing any shred of power or risk of overload. His Seigelcraft was frighteningly efficient. Like a .rar file of information, he would manage to make one Seigel do the job of three with clever combinations. Or sometimes, he would just etch a Seigel within a Seigel, taking up as much space as he possibly could resulting in the rippling look of the blade that we had now.

"Want a turn?" I asked Anna just as Lise gave the sword back to me.

"O-Oh! I-It's no big deal, really," the older woman vehemently denied, but from the looks of it, she was just trying and failing to be modest about it. "I-It's yours, L-Leader."