Lore Note: Imperial Zahler Classes and the Primzahl Dreizehn

The Matheman Imperial Army classifies their Zahlers into four distinct classes: the Zusatz, the Subtraktion, the Multiplikation, and the Aufteilung Classes. Each class has its own specialization, and while some Zahlers might have overlapping skills that might allow them to classify for two classes, they will still be sorted into the one Class that they are best suited for.

Zusatz Class

Zahlers under the Zusatz class are called Summands. Serving as the main bulk of Matheman Army, they act as front liners capable of fighting for extended periods of time. They are well-rounded and are the most likely to fight blow for blow without a care in the world.

Subtraktion Class

Zahlers under the Subtraktion class are called Minuends. Acting as artillery or ranged support, they are dedicated back liners that lay waste to their enemies from afar. While not as physically strong as Zahlers from other classes, they more than makeup for it with their sheer firepower.

Multiplikation Class

Also known as Faktors, Zahlers under the Multiplikation class are force multipliers that manipulate and direct the battlefield as they see fit. Capable of on-the-fly tactical decision-making, they serve as leaders in the heat of battle, ensuring that the Empire's power is applied efficiently against their enemies.

Aufteilung Class

Known as Teilens, Zahlers under the Aufteilung class are the ones in charge of the Empire's less savory tasks. Specializing in assassination and clandestine operations, they excel in one-on-one combat and attacking behind enemy lines. They are also in charge of snuffing out internal dissent, as well as making sure that the Empire's enemies will never be able to destroy it from within.


The Primzahl Dreizehn is a group made up of the strongest Zahlers in the Empire. Comprised of thirteen members, each Primzahl is given a designated title and rank befitting of their power and element with Thirteen being the weakest and One being the strongest.

As soon as a Zahler is given the status of a Primzahl, they are afforded access to special facilities within the Royal Palace while also being given more freedom to act on their own so long as it is for the benefit of the Empire. They are free to conduct their own operations and are even free to do nothing but relax until they are specifically summoned by the Emperor for a specific task.


Something to clear up any possible confusion. Don't worry if you prefer the more organic Lessons format. They're still going to show up if I have bigger-than-normal standalone chapters to post.