28.1 Recovery

202 F.Y.



Complete and utter pain was the first thing that came into my mind as I opened my eyes to the annoyingly bright light of the mid-morning sun. My mouth and throat moved to scream at the unadulterated amount of suffering that I was feeling across my whole body, but all attempts at voicing out my opinions were dashed as when found out the hard way that my mouth was bandaged shut.

What the fvck?

"You're awake!"

I winced at the sudden output of volume on my side. Looking at the source of the screaming, whatever amount of anger and annoyance I had quickly melted as Lise greeted me with the biggest smile I had ever seen her sport in a long time. The tears, of course, I could do without, but it was still a splendid sight to see despite my whole body feeling like it had just been lit on fire before being thrown straight into a tub of sea salt.