38.1 Waiting for Sunrise

203 F.Y.


Sitting in one place at temperatures below freezing was something I thought I'd never do in my formerly hot and humid life. Living in a tropical country on top of working at a steel plant all but removed any prospects of me experiencing cold weather unless I hopped on the nearest airplane and fly up north. Granted, I've experienced frigid temperatures through liberal AC usage, but that was different from the real thing.


And as I expected, the real thing was at least ten times worse than even the most powerful of air conditioners.

"H-Huh... Kind of... funny..." I chuckled to myself, my teeth clattering as I rubbed my shoulders for some semblance of warmth.


The howling winds outside the shed were pretty much the end all be all of every single freezer back in the old world. Hell, I could probably even hazard a guess that this was colder than being in Hokkaido or Siberia and I'd still be halfway right.