65.1 Improvisation

Efficiency was something I've always preached about even back in the old world. As an avid procrastinator, the little time that I do dedicate to actually working had to be short and sweet in a way that would enable me to do more procrastinating simply due to how little time was actually needed to effectively do all the work. Take for example, a time-consuming errand to sort some papers out. A normal nine-to-five worker would probably make it happen in about half of their work shift by half-assing it the whole way through. Meanwhile, I'd probably do it either in the beginning or during the end of my shift just by putting in the effort into it. I mean, why waste effort not doing it properly due to laziness when you could just do it in a whirlwind and waste the rest of your time doing nothing? Wasn't that the express purpose of being the ultimate procrastinator?


"I thought we're making the armor now?"