72.X3 Interlude: Descartes

"Do you understand?"


Descartes had never thought that she'll be living a life away from her Reine, but circumstances had led her to such a fate. She could only count her lucky stars that she somehow found herself a willing mentor to support her during the lowest point of her life. Perhaps if Madame Lise had not found her during her travels, the disgraced maid would've been forced to sell herself in order to simply survive the chaos that was the front lines. Such a duty would not be out of her expertise, but servicing anyone other than her liege would have been a shame that she could never erase from her very being. At best, if she would ever be reunited with her proper station, she would never trust herself with her Reine's safety.


After all, she had already sold her services for her own well-being. What were the chances that she won't do so again?


"Oui, Monsieur."