84.1 Change of Plans

Theory versus execution. On paper, even the simplest of plans can look absolutely fool-proof. I mean, in a game or any other task of note, plans are usually used to streamline execution and maintain efficiency. You wouldn't just jump into an unfamiliar situation without at least some sort of goal in mind, correct? But then, even with plans drawn to the most minute detail, the lack of on-hand information will always mean that said plans would have to adapt depending on the current conditions. Perhaps you planned on scaling a roof or a wall when suddenly it rained and made everything wet and slippery. Or maybe you wanted to eat steak but the beef you saw in the supermarket was too expensive to buy. Either way, plans are merely drawings of hypothetical situations that may or may not happen.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, our plans were completely shattered as soon as Aria opened her fvcking mouth.

"What do you mean the war's over?"