Chapter 25: Look at What You Mocha Do is Taylor Swifts Best Song

Beatrice's POV.

‘Tell me about Yuletide,’ my magic says.

"I thought you had the story to tell."

‘I do. So do you,’ she says. ‘Stories have many tellers.’

"What does Yuletide have to do with whatever fairy tale you want to regurgitate at me?"

My magic tips her head and leans an elbow on the back of the concrete bench. I sigh because fighting my magic personified as a middle aged woman with lavender gray hair feels...needlessly complicated.

I'm stuck in this between–place. Whatever is happening in the real world is beyond my control. I look at the Yule tree lying on the ground, burnt and decimated. My magic did that both here and there, then, on that day.

I sit down next to my magic.

‘Tell me about Yuletide.’

"My magic, you, killed hundreds of innocent people."

My magic tips her chin, ‘Be exact Beatrice. Hecate taught you better than that.’