*Jo's POV*
I woke up to find myself lying on Nikko's chest. I smiled and snuggled in closer to him, taking a deep breath. The evergreen and lavender smelled better than ever.
We had come back in from the woods last night and proceeded to consummate our relationship for a second time. The adrenaline from the first shift had made the experience intense, but quick, and I had fallen asleep right after.
Now, laying in bed, I could feel how sore I was, on the inside and the outside. One was probably from sex, and the other from the shift. I turned to look behind me at the window and realized it was later than I thought. Nikko should probably get going soon.
Not wanting to have him leave, I slowly turned back around and curled against him, careful enough not to wake him up. However, it had only been a couple of minutes when I heard a knock downstairs, causing Nikko to stir.