Epicness: Destruction of the Dragon Slayers

It was quite dark in the room.

The lamp on the table was off, and only the faint glow from the window provided any illumination.

Rael was lying on the bed, his both hands were under his head, and he was looking at the ceiling.

The silence in the room was deafening, and the only sound he could hear was his own breathing.


He breathed out and closed his eyes, his body relaxed.

It was almost midnight, and the time seemed to pass by very slowly.

He was supposed to be sleeping, but he couldn't sleep.

His mind was full of thoughts and worries. He was thinking about the past events and also about the future that was gonna come.

'Gods will come soon. And, here I am, who can't even defeat a dragon.'

'I have to become stronger.'

'But, how?'

He had so many questions in his mind, but no answers.

He didn't know what to do or what was the right choice.