Epicness: Fly Slayer's Destruction

01:34 AM

It was past midnight, and the crescent moon was high in the sky.

Its silver rays illuminated the night, and the city was peaceful.

There was no sound, and the atmosphere was tranquil.

Even the roads were empty, and the streets were deserted.

The stars twinkled in the night sky, and the breeze was cool and refreshing.

It was a perfect night, very calm and serene.

But, it wouldn't last for long.

"Is this the one?" Rael asked, his voice cold.

He was standing in front of the building that had the signboard of Dragon Slayer, which was one of the most powerful and notorious guilds in the country.

"Yes, master," Luna replied, her tone respectful.

She was the guild master of the Priest Guild, after destroying her guild and using the Dark Slave Book, he enslaved her.

But, he didn't capture her in the book, instead, he let her live in the real world.