Chapter 96: With This Pebble

Without a word, Bradley rolled her over so she was face down on the bed. She gasped with shock, but she didn't get an opportunity to ask what he was doing. He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, and then he spread her legs with his knees.

"Don't. Move," he said, nipping at her earlobe.

Her breath caught, and her flesh tingled, but she did as he'd ordered. She didn't move a muscle. Bradley shifted his weight to reach for the nightstand drawer. A second later, the sound of foil tearing echoed in her ears. Heart racing, pulse pounding, she vacillated between excitement and fear.

He wasn't going to attempt anal, was he? She'd never done that before, had no desire to ever do that. She licked her lips, prepared to speak up and tell him that anal was a hard no for her, but then he positioned himself so he was straddling her spread legs and pressed the head of his cock against her pussy.