Chapter 97: Never Seen Her Happier

Bradley hadn't been able to stop thinking about last night. Not just about the sex, which had been incredible, but about Carissa giving him the pebble, a tangible sign of her commitment to him. He'd hoped the weekend in Texas would prove that he was the right man for her, but he'd never expected things to work out so well.

"Are you going to tell me what this surprise is?" she asked.

Glancing at her, he grinned. "No."

They'd flown home earlier that morning, and now they were in his car headed to a pre-planned destination. Nerves surged in his stomach. What if this surprise was a bust? What if she didn't want to go where he was taking her? Then again, this surprise wasn't just for her, and making these plans would only solidify his place in her life.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, but a faint smile curved her lips. Moments later, Bradley turned onto Carissa's street. She sat forward and peered out the windshield. He sliced a look at her, trying to gauge her reaction.