Chapter 102: Bareback

She brought her mouth back to his, and that small movement caused her hips to rock forward slightly. But the moment her tongue slipped past his lips, he was a fucking goner. Every shred of good sense he had vanished, and he operated on pure need. On the animalistic instinct to claim her, to prove she was his.

"Are you sure about this?" He still hadn't eased his hold on her waist, afraid if he did, she'd take total control, and then he'd really be screwed. In more ways than one.

He had zero doubts about being with her - with or without protection - because he knew deep down to the very depths of his soul that she was the woman he'd spend his life with. But he feared she wasn't quite there yet, and he didn't want her doing anything she'd regret.

"Yes," she whispered. "I want you, Bradley. All of you."

"Sonofabitch," he muttered, knowing he didn't have the strength to deny her. "Then take me, Carissa. I'm all yours."