Chapter 103: Danny's Home

"Someone's in a good mood." Tiffany crunched on a celery stick and smiled.

Carissa couldn't keep the smile from her face. She'd had that issue ever since she'd gone to Texas with Bradley. "I'm in a very good mood," she said with a nod.

Tiffany laughed. "Want to elaborate?"

Lowering her head, Carissa's smile widened. She picked at her chicken salad, not really that hungry, but if she didn't eat now, she wouldn't have another chance until much later that evening. She had an afternoon packed full of classes, and then a sorority meeting at six o'clock, and she absolutely could not miss that meeting. Mallory had been very understanding when Carissa was out of town, and she wasn't willing to push her luck.

"I told Bradley I loved him last night," she said, looking up.

Tiffany choked on her celery, coughed, then took a large drink of her water. "Seriously?"

Carissa nodded. "And he said it back."