Chapter 110: A Crazy Ex

A knot formed in Carissa's chest, but she forced herself to ignore Danny's messages. For now. She opened her conversation with Bradley, and the instant she saw his name, she smiled.

Carissa: Almost done. See you soon?

She glanced up. Her fellow pledges were officially done talking about the upcoming formal event and were now gathering their things, though most of them lingered to chat.

"This party is going to be so much fun," Georgia Rose gushed. "I haven't been able to get all dressed up in so long."

Bradley: I'm waiting outside for you.

Carissa's heart raced, and suddenly, she couldn't wait to get out of this house.

"The three of us should go shopping for dresses," Tiffany said.

"Yes!" Carissa said emphatically. "A shopping day is exactly what I need." She laughed.