Chapter 111: Supersonic or Something

Bradley stood behind Carissa as she unlocked her sister's apartment door, gladly using his body as a shield for her protection. Not that he was worried about anything or anyone harming her right that second. Bradley had been extra vigilant of his surroundings, of every car he'd passed or that had been following them from campus to here. He was confident Danny wasn't anywhere in the vicinity.

Carissa stepped inside the apartment and flicked on the lights. "Mr. Wiggles," she called. "Come here, kitty!"

He still couldn't believe Cayla had named her cat Mr. Wiggles. Bradley entered behind Carissa, shut the door, and secured both the lock on the handle and the deadbolt.

"Danny has no idea where Cayla lives," Carissa said, tossing her purse and backpack onto the nearest chair. "She refused to let him come here."

"Have I mentioned how much I like your sister?" he said.