Chapter 116: You're Mine!

Carissa inhaled a deep breath, then expelled it slowly. "Then let's talk. How's your father doing?"

"I want to talk about us. Not my father or anyone else."

"Okay." She licked her lips and readjusted her hold on the steering wheel.

"Before I went home, you told me you'd be there for me, that I could count on you. You lied to me." He dropped the accusation as calmly as if he were talking about the weather.

"I didn't lie. I needed time to figure things out, too, and I just thought-"

"You thought what? That fucking my roommate would help you figure things out?"

Carissa cringed. "I never wanted to hurt you, Danny." She risked a glance at him.

He stared at her, his expression a mix of betrayal, hurt, and anger. His eyes, however, held nothing but love, the kind of love he'd had for her when they first met. She wasn't dumb enough to believe he still loved her like that, not when he was acting like a lunatic.