Chapter 117: Search Party

Bradley paced his hotel room, phone in his hand. He stopped in front of the window that overlooked the parking lot. Still no Carissa. He checked his phone—again—to see if he'd missed a call or text from her. But he hadn't. In fact, he hadn't heard from her in a couple of hours. Unease swirled in his stomach. Something was wrong.

He promised himself he wouldn't be controlling like Danny, or constantly check-in and demand to know where Carissa was, but his worry intensified by the second. Fuck it. He'd rather have her be upset with him for calling and know for certain she was okay than continue to run worst-case scenarios in his mind.

He found her name in his contacts and called her. Straight to voicemail. He cursed under his breath, then immediately called right back. Voicemail again. Not getting an answer didn't ease his concerns. He opened his messages.

Bradley: Hey, gorgeous. Hope you're still having fun. Can't wait to see you.