Chapter 386 – A Cursed Item and Church Support 

From the size that was way bigger than a human's, I assumed it was from a monster. But I didn't know what kind of monster had this eyeball, as there were many out there with red pupils.

However, even with my vast knowledge, I had never seen this kind of eyeball. Was this a new kind of monster?

"What is this?" I asked Lara, who kneeled beside the table.

"We don't know." The older twin replied while lowering her head deeper. "But we know that we will get poisoned and paralyzed if we hold it directly."



The one who answered me was unexpectedly Sana. She stood beside me and looked at the eyeball inside the box.

"I managed to cure the member with a , so it's not a curse and certainly not a high-level poison." She continued.

"How curious." My lips curled into a grin. What kind of eye was this to be able to poison someone by just a touch?

I opened the box, much to everyone's surprise, and grabbed the eyeball.