45 Mensas

We all stared at her. "That is not an issue with us. It is expected that any males in service to the female will protect any and all offspring. No matter who they are sired by," Kide informed her.

She blinked at us. Clearly surprised. I pushed myself closer to her. "I would like to request Nomio and I go next."

Nomio moved up next to me, "As you have already accepted Zaval we would like to join your mates." The Princess's cheeks turned pink again. 

"Multiple mates at once... That has to be worked towards it is not something easily done most the time." My tail tip flicked. It was a habit I had when curious. Sometimes it was a sign of aggravation but I was rarely aggressive. 

"How so?" I asked her. Her eyes had focused on my tail. She seemed to have a thing for our tails.