46 Akehikro

All three of the Draka where now her mates. Even so she was curled up with us. She once again had that look like she would be sleeping soon. I caught her thoughts for a second as she looked over us males. She needed to eat again. Without much thought I rolled up my sleeve and outstretched my arm. Her gaze flicked towards my own but she did not question me. The others looked at me in question. 

"She needs to eat again," I told them. 

"So, Vuldroi blood does not tide her over for very long," Conta said. As he did so she licked at my arm and bite down. 

"Maybe one of us should try?" The smallest Leoc'ain suggested. "No reason only her mates can provide her blood."

"The Draka should also contact their family and envoys."

Prince Scorpio spoke up then, "I will do the test next."

"By all accounts we should go next," Prince Zarad remarked. 

"Not like any of you have been going in order to begin with," the big Leoc'ain point out.