"Calm down everybody, it's not that serious," the man who led us shouted from where he stood but no one paid attention.

We were all scared, not because knights were coming, besides if it were to be Aeradonian knights then we ought to hope for freedom. But we were afraid because there was no way a fight wasn't going to break out and amidst that skirmish, the cliff wasn't a good place for one. 

As everyone panicked, the knights on horses drew near, there were about four of them and I was disappointed because from what I saw, they were not Aeradonian knights but others hadn't noticed it so they ran forward.

Since their hands were tied with ropes and connected, a lot of them fell to the ground while those who cared about saving their own lives stepped on them but still fell to the ground because they were dragged back by the ropes that did not let them move further.

"I said calm down everyone, why are you running from you fools? " Another Tersian knight yelled but his voice was only audible to me because he was closer to me than he was to the rest of the villagers.

Owing to the ropes that attached them to each other, a lot of them fell to the ground and struggled to pick themselves up, but they all relaxed when they eventually saw four knights on black horses.

The horses galloped past them and moved to the front where the man whom I presumed to be their leader was.

"So any news?" He asked them.

One of them hopped down from his horse and handed a scroll over to the leader and said,

"Lots of the Aeradonian knights have hidden, we have succeeded in taking down the undefeatable warriors but that is not the end sir.

"They would strike back so we have to be prepared. We left some men behind so that they could give us information when necessary."

" Aside from that sir, this scroll contained the original deal with King Caesar himself. I found it and thought that the King may like to take a look at it."

The leading knight opened the scroll and raised his brow in surprise, he then glanced at all the captives and shook his head before he folded the scroll and returned it to the man who had given him.

"Yes indeed, the King must see it but I doubt it would change anything, where did you find it? " He asked 

" It was hidden well my lord, I found it in the king's chamber but in a secret compartment buried under the bed, I believe that the present king doesn't know about it," he added and I became curious, even the Princess glanced at me with a quizzical expression at intervals.

"Keep it well, and hand it over to the king once we get there, we are not too far away, let's keep going! " He ordered and the man hopped onto his horse again.

I turned around and saw the captives, they had managed to get up from the ground and they all looked dirty, I was only delighted that no one fell over the edge of the cliff during the entire commotion.

"Hey Sage," a familiar voice called my name from my left side and I turned my head and met the less furious gaze of Samantha Rowan.

"Mistress," I greeted her. It was funny to me that I was still respectful in that situation.

"I am glad you have done what I asked you to do," she said to me and I was left speechless. 

That was a critical time and she spoke about my relationship with Allesio again. I was irritated by those words but I still maintained my respect for her and nodded my head.

"I saw what you did and that was how I knew you worked things out," she uttered, and I looked at her and wondered what she meant by that, and as if she read my thoughts, she spoke 

"I saw your eyes, he looked into them didn't he?" She asked me and I replied positively.

" That is how I knew Sage, you made the right choice, now I know that my brother had finally found his-

"Shut up and get moving!" One of the knights pushed her away from me before she completed her statement and I cursed within.

I wanted to ask her lots of questions, like what she meant by that, why Allesio's eyes affected me so much whenever I looked into them, and I also wanted to know the end of 'my brother has finally found his-' his what? His spouse or was it his enemy or his long-lost sister?

As I thought about those things my head felt heavy, they were too much for me to have wrapped my head around but there wasn't much that I could have done, I only believed that there was going to be a time when I would know what they all meant.

The rest of the journey was a boring tale, nothing of valuable importance happened on our way, a few knights conversed about my beauty again and there was nothing but silence most of the way.

"We have arrived," the leader yelled and raised his sword to the air.

He was right, I saw a pathway and a few buildings up ahead and I knew that we had arrived at the kingdom of Tersian.

It was high noon and the sun was still hot, the journey seemed like it took forever but I believed that was because nothing else happened.

We approached the village and the princess turned around and stared at me again, I felt so much pity for her and also for the rest of us, no one has any idea what we were going to be used for or what was going to be done to us, luckily I knew that we were just going to be held captive until our king divides the kingdom, aside the killing that may be done if he refused.