The men who sat across the table murmured,

"So we came for nothing?" One said.

"Perhaps the prince was so exhausted from his mission that he had fallen asleep, " another said and they all laughed but I didn't find it funny.

"I agree, let's hope to see him next time, for now, he should rest, we shouldn't bother him so much, shall we? " 

" Silence! " The king interjected,

" None of this has to do with my son's absence, so I suggest we stop talking about this, the Prince has refused to come out here and there is nothing I can do about it, he is a full-grown man, and the heir to the throne, he is allowed to make his choice isn't he?" The king added and they all agreed with him.

" So let us take it as the Princess's birthday then?" Another man spoke up and the others nodded in agreement, it was rather peaceful at their gathering, unlike Aeradon where every man wanted to be heard.

However, the Princess was not enjoying it, her face lost its smile and her expression looked worried.