She was quiet as well, her tears were unstoppable at that point and she didn't hold back, they dropped sporadically from her chin onto her dress and I couldn't help but feel sober when I saw the red color of her eyes.

"According to the King, if I don't do this then he wouldn't believe that I have plans to help him out in getting half of my father's kingdom, pledging my allegiance to Tersian will seal the deal," she replied and I didn't know what to say, but I asked her,

"What about marriage?"

"That is also to complete the pledge, he wants me to become part of the royal family, and he has promised to keep me safe, you and Allesio as well as long as that stands, but it's not the best Sage, I don't know what I was thinking when I did this, I feel very selfish and stupid right now," she raised her voice a bit and covered her face with her palm.