[ Adriel's POV ]

It felt like my heart was crushed to pieces, yet again, she avoided speaking with me and I must admit that it hurt more than I believed.

I wanted to tell her a long time ago, since the day I left Tersian back to Aeradon to deliver the princess's message to King Romeo, I couldn't stop thinking about her and how safe she was.

When I returned with King Romeo's message, I didn't get a chance to see her, but I met with Allesio and planned to escape the kingdom after he told me that he planned to join the knights who the prince will take along.

When he said that Sage would be going as well, I didn't want to hear anything else, I told him my plans to escape and return to my mother's village with her, even the way Allesio stared at me when I came up with that suggestions I believed he suspected that I felt a thing for her.