As I said before, only her eyes alone told him that she was pregnant, he stared at both of us in disbelief, and what he said next was unexpected.

"Where is the father?" He asked her.

At that point your mother knelt before him with tears in her eyes, she knew what her father was capable of and that he was going to kill the man she loved.

"Where is he?" He asked again but neither of us responded, he vanished immediately and we wondered why.

His sudden disappearance got us worried because we didn't know what he was going to do next, but he reappeared less than ten seconds after he left holding your father by the neck.

"Father please I beg you, don't hurt him please, you can punish me but spare him please," she pleaded. Your father already knew that your mother was a spirit, even though he didn't believe her at first.

He tossed your father to the side like a piece of wood and yelled at his daughter.