"Earlier today, we were informed that there was an instruction for all Aeradonians to leave, or stay back here and I didn't know why, as we were leaving your mother said something about you.

" I just pray that Sage is safe," this is what she said.

One of the knights who they called 'Sir Azrael ' was drawn by her statement.

" You know who Sage is? " He asked us with so much authority that your mother and I were even afraid to speak.

We eventually told him that you were our daughter and he asked us to follow him, his demeanor remained unchanged and for a moment we thought that we were in trouble.

He requested that we get clean, gave us some clean clothes to put on, and told us that we needed to look presentable before the King, hearing that we were going to see the king didn't sit well with us, we feared that we had indeed done something but we didn't know whether it was right or wrong.