315 - Exaltia

When Ryan left town, he did so discreetly. Using one of his clones, he kept the "King" in the fortress so that the people could have a symbol of trust. Now, Ryan and Eris were traveling in a small carriage to Exaltia, while the rest of the clones were already waiting for him in the fortress.

"According to reports, Alterhein's forces have concentrated on the capital. They've stopped sending troops to the border with the elves," said Eris, as she flipped through the pages of a black notebook.

Nodding his head, Ryan looked out of the carriage window. "The feeling of controlling so many clones is funny. They're draining my mana every second, but it's not like it affects me."

Nyx appeared beside the boy, wrapping her arms around him. "Is it like a house with lots of light bulbs?"