316 - Light

As soon as Ryan finished off one of the commanders, the soldiers kept running towards him, throwing arrows and attacking with their swords. "I see. So this really is the city of Pride"

Those soldiers not only had no fear of death, they had the pride of battle. 

One after the other, the archers were killed by the energy orbs of the Judgement of the Sun. As the small orbs flew around, attacking opponents from a distance, Ryan used his sword and aura of fire to eliminate the combatants who approached him. 

His body was marked by some injuries acquired in the duels, mainly due to his inability to change into shadow form. However, his Healing Aura was taking care of the damage without too much trouble, allowing him to continue fighting. While advancing from the left, Eris was exterminating the soldiers on the right, removing a large part of the battalions that were making it difficult for the Ryanbots to enter.