Another Friend - [ Chapter - 14 ]

So then the next day Hyun Ki woke up and immediately started preparing to go to school and his parents were downstairs and told him, "We dealt with the kids and their parents about the time they tried to attack you.".

Hyun Ki smiled and said "Thanks." and so his mom tried to hug him but he then dodged it and he said, "Sorry, I have to go now, bye!" and then his parents said goodbye as well and then he headed off to school.

While he was walking Ji-Ho met up with Hyun Ki and while they were walking together Ji-Ho asked, "Did you know that there is a new transfer student in school.", Hyun Ki said "Of course I'm part of the student council.".

Then Ji-Ho continued and said, "I heard the transfer student is a girl and she's beautiful.", however when Jo-Ho said this, it didn't interest Hyun Ki in the slightest and so they just continued walking to school.

After they got to school they were greeted by the people who tried to attack them and Ji-Ho thought they were going to try and get revenge but then they bowed and said, "We are sorry for the fight we made, please forgive us.".

Hyun Ki said while he was moving past it, "Yeah, yeah, my parents are still sueing you." then he walked passed and Hyun Ki and Ji-Ho went to their classes and school went like usual for them and during break they met up on the roof.

Then they ate together during break and talked to each other, it went like how they usually were during break but again it was interrupted and this time someone entered the roof and so Hyun Ki was annoyed.

So Hyun Ki went up to the person who entered and then asked, "What do you want?", it was a girl that he hadn't seen before and then she said, "I'm the new transfer student, I just wanted to meet all of the student council members.".

Hyun Ki was still annoyed and said, "Well look at that you met me already now can you go please?" but then Ji-Ho went up to the girl and then asked, "Do you want to join us?", then the girl smiled and said "Sure!".

This just annoyed Hyun Ki even more since he didn't like being around other people that he is not comfortable with and that means everyone except Ji-Ho and his parents but now there was someone he wasn't comfortable with next to him.

Hyun Ki didn't leave since Ji-Ho begged him not to and so he didn't for the sake of Ji-Ho and he also promised to not annoy him and so after a while of talking to the girl, she introduced herself as Ah-In and they started talking more to each other.

So then Hyun Ki started talking to Ah-In bit by bit since Ji-Ho was kind of forcing him to talk and what got him willingly to talk to Ah-In was when she talked about World's Reality, Ji-Ho was really happy that Hyun Ki was making friends.

Even though he wasn't his parent he was really proud of Hyun Ki of making another friend other than him and so then they traded IGN (In Game Name) and after school they decided that all three of them would play together.

After school Hyun Ki and Ji-Ho went home together and surprisingly Ah-In's home was in that direction as well so all of them were walking home together and the first house was there was Hyun Ki's.

And when his parents saw that he was walking home with a girl, his mom went up to him after he got inside and asked, "So who's the girl?", Hyun Ki then said, "Oh, she is Ah-In, my new friend, were going to play together in game.".

Even though it wasn't a relationship, his parents were still happy that he now made another friend other than Ji-Ho, so then after putting everything away Hyun Ki then went to his room and logged into the game.

After logging in Hyun Ki messaged Ah-In and asked where was she in game and then she messaged back saying that she was at the hunter's association building so then he texted Ji-Ho and Ah-In that they would all meet there.

Then after that Hyun Ki arrived at the hunter's association building and met up with Ah-In and they then friended each other and now they had to wait for Ji-Ho to arrived and while waiting they were now talking to each other.

So then after a while of waiting they met up with Ji-Ho who was riding a cool looking bike and so Hyun Kim asked, "What are you riding?", then Ji-Ho said, "Well after I sold the share of my loot, I saw this cool mana powered bike so I bought it.".

Hyun Ki chuckled a bit after hearing that and then he asked, "So what are we going to do?", then after he asked that they started talking about what they should do and Ah-In suggested they would try something new.

They liked the idea of checking some stuff out, so then they checked something fun they could do that they haven't done yet and after a while of looking, Ji-Ho suggested that they should try the new tower that was added in the game.

When he said that Hyun Ki actually didn't know about that and Ah-In only heard about that and so they all agreed that they would try to conquer the tower together and so then they headed towards the tower.

So then after going into the tower they saw it was absolutely huge on the inside, it looked like it was a forest on the first floor and then there was a guide at the start and then he went up to them.

The guide then asked them, "Is it your first time in the tower?" then they all said, "Yeah." then the guide said, "Okay then let me explain what's the tower for! The game was meant to be a replica of the whole world.".

They all understood that and he continued to say, "Well it won't have that fantasy feel if you just keep seeing buildings in the real world so the developers created the tower to give the players that fantasy feeling.".

After that explanation it was actually pretty reasonable and so then Hyun Ki, Ji-Ho and Ah-In explored the first floor for a bit and while they were wandering around Huun Ki asked, "Ah-In, what's your class?".

Ah-In chuckled and said, "Oh, I'm just a healer." Hyun Ki saw that it looked like she regretted her choice so he then said, "You can see Ji-Ho and my level right?" and so she was confused but she said, "Yeah?".

Then Hyun Ki said, "Me and Ji-Ho are creation classes, I'm an alchemist and he's a blacksmith." then when he said that, the two laughed because of how surprised her face was and that cheered her up a bit.