Relatives Who Look Down On Others Like Dogs

Shen Bing's eyes became even deeper. He said, "The secret cannot be revealed."

"Why do you and Wang Chao like to play riddles? Tell me quickly, what do you want to do?" Liu Yifei frowned.

She stared at Shen Bing tightly, always feeling that Shen Bing's purpose of promoting and giving a raise to Wang Chao was not pure.

Shen Bing shook his head and remained silent.

Liu Yifei's heart skipped a beat.

Based on her understanding of Shen Bing, when he was silent, he must be brewing something big in his mind.

Wang Chao is likely to be implicated.

At this moment, she suddenly regretted it.

If she had known that inviting Wang Chao over would lead to such a thing, she would not have let Wang Chao and Shen Bing meet.

Shen Bing solemnly assured her: "Feifei, don't worry, I promise you that I will never hurt Wang Chao."

"And, I promise you that no matter what happens, Wang Chao will not be harmed."