Turning Black Into White, and Bullying Excessively

Not only did Wang Chao's eyes turn cold, but Wang Anguo and others also looked uncomfortable.

Wang Anguo walked over and supported Li Han, and said in a low voice, "Cousin, you have gone too far. You can speak, but why push people?"

"Speak if you want to speak, don't climb the family tree recklessly. Who is the cousin of you poor people?" Li Chunyan said coldly.

She was dressed in gold and silver, covered in jewelry and gold, and looked rich.

Years of maintenance made her skin smooth and tender, as white as snow, and several years younger than her peers.

Li Han's simple poverty, long-term labor and difficulties, made her skin dark and her hands rough.

Especially Wang Anguo, who repaired cars all year round, had calluses on his hands. Even though he had washed his hands clean, there were still some black dirt under his fingernails.

Standing next to Li Han and Wang Anguo, she immediately formed a strong contrast!