Slap In The Face


The scene fell into a dead silence.

Wang Anguo, Li Han, Wang Baozhu, and others were all dumbfounded.

Li Chunyan was also stunned.

All the employees on the scene were also stunned.

No one expected Wang Chao to be so direct that he would slap the female waiter and knock her down to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"You, how dare you hit me?"

The female waiter covered her face, looking at Wang Chao in disbelief.

At this moment, she felt dizzy and her ears were buzzing.

Wang Chao's slap not only caused half of her face to swell, but also ruptured her ears, making her look extremely miserable.

"You should consider yourself lucky. If this were a battlefield, you would be dead." Wang Chao said coldly.

If he had not considered his parents, sister, and others being present, he would have cut off the female waiter's hand directly just now.

"Security, come quickly, someone is causing trouble!"