Venting Through Violence

Wang Chao stared at Li Xingwang with anger in his eyes.

This person was arrogant and constantly demeaned his parents.

It made him furious!

Moreover, Li Xingwang didn't just talk, he dared to physically attack someone.

So Wang Chao couldn't bear it anymore and directly struck Li Xingwang with a slap.

Li Xingwang was stunned, the immense force made his head buzz, and his face was in excruciating pain.

He covered his face, looking at Wang Chao in disbelief. "Who are you? How dare you hit me?"

"I'm Wang Chao."

Li Han didn't expect her son to suddenly take action either. Her expression changed, and she hurriedly pulled Wang Chao's clothes.

"Wife, don't worry about today's matter. I think Wang Chao did the right thing. This kind of person deserves to be beaten!" Wang Anguo said in a deep voice.

"Wang Chao? You're the Wang Chao who disappeared for eight years?"