
As soon as the woman uttered those words, the previously joyful atmosphere in the room instantly turned cold.

The next moment, laughter filled the room.

"Hahaha, Li Mei is right. The old lady is about to emigrate, and this beggar family has come to beg."

"If they don't come begging today, they won't have another chance in the future. Of course, they would seize this opportunity."

"Look at them, they even bought clothes just to please the old lady. Haha, the material looks so cheap, obviously fake!"

"Why did Wang Anguo and Li Han have the audacity to come here? This is an elite gathering for high-end individuals. What are these uncultured paupers doing here? They're just lowering our standards!"

"I heard that their son, Wang Baoyu, had to sell her body to get a job at the hospital. Utterly shameless!"

"That's Wang Chao, right? I heard he spent eight years abroad but ended up failing and had to come back."