Accompany Me on a Business Trip

Upon hearing Wang Chao's words, Li Han remained silent on the other end of the phone for a long time.

Wang Chao understood immediately when his mother didn't respond. He said in a deep voice, "Mom, did the fortune teller tell you something else?"

"For example, did he say when I will have children?"

"How did you know?" Li Han's voice was filled with astonishment.

I knew it!

Wang Chao massaged his forehead with his hand, his face turning dark. "Was it that blind man, Chen, near the Temple of the Heavenly Empress?"

"How do you know?" Li Han's voice sounded even more surprised.

Wang Chao's face turned even darker.

Just as expected!

His mother may be fine in many aspects, but she's particularly superstitious. Whenever she encounters any difficulties in life, she thinks there might be some dirty stuff causing trouble and goes to pray to the gods, seeking their blessings.