
After hanging up the phone, Wang Chao checked the time and without wasting any words, he went straight to take a shower, taking off his security guard uniform and tossing it into the laundry basket for the cleaning staff to wash and return.

Next, he changed into his own clothes and carefully examined himself in the mirror.

Hmm, he looked quite masculine and handsome.

Once everything was done, he didn't stay idle. He walked around the company, patrolling the premises.

If there were any issues with the equipment anywhere, he noted them down one by one.

After completing the patrol of all the floors, fifty minutes had passed. He walked directly to the entrance of Shen Bing's office and waited quietly.

There were still ten minutes before the end of work, and Shen Bing was still busy, signing many documents.

The pile of documents on her desk was like a mountain, all waiting for her signature.

Not long after, Shen Bing walked out.