Three Million Yuan Lost in Thirty Minutes?

Wang Chao held the tea with a sincere attitude.

Grandma and Li Hong didn't suspect anything and started drinking the tea.

"Mom, you keep them company. I'll go trade stocks now and guarantee a big profit," Wang Chao said.

He approached Li Han and whispered, "Mom, no matter what they say later, you must not bring out the Guanyin jade stone. Remember my words."

Afterward, he nodded to Grandma and Li Hong and went upstairs.

Grandma and Li Hong felt a sharp pain seeing Wang Chao take the money and leave. It was 3 million yuan, and now he was going to squander it. They felt heartbroken.

At the same time, they put on joyful expressions and immediately showed warmth towards Li Han. They sat together on the sofa in the hall, inquiring about her well-being, chatting about family matters, and showering her with care.

Li Han had never received such treatment before, and her eyes turned red on the spot. Tears welled up in her eyes.