Striking It Big

Grandma and Li Hong stared at Wang Chao, feeling anguish in their hearts.

Within a short period, he lost four million!

That was their money!

They were heartbroken!

If they exchanged that money into Baiying's yuan, it would be several hundred thousand, enough for them to live comfortably in Baiying.

"Grandma, Uncle, that candlestick pattern is really good. We're about to reach a turning point. Please sponsor me with another ten million, and I guarantee I'll double it," Wang Chao said.

Upon hearing his words, Grandma and Li Hong felt a murderous rage.

Four million gone just like that!

If they sponsored Wang Chao again, wouldn't their money vanish even more?

It was like an endless pit!

How could they possibly continue to invest money?

"Wang Chao, um, the four million we just sponsored you was all the cash your uncle had. He has no money left now," Li Hong said.