
Wang Chao's words seemed to possess a certain kind of magic that was convincing.

Joseph had already been completely disheartened and lacked the motivation to do anything. But upon hearing Wang Chao's words, his eyes lit up, and hope ignited within him.

He endured the pain and sat up, looking at Wang Chao with immense excitement. "Mr. Wang, can you really cure me?"

"Your condition may appear severe and incurable to others, but in my eyes, it can be treated," Wang Chao nodded.

At that moment, Song Yingya leaned in and whispered to Joseph, "Mr. Joseph, when you passed out just now, it was Mr. Wang who revived you with acupuncture."

Joseph's eyes brightened even more.

Indeed, he had passed out earlier.

But in the midst of that unconsciousness, he felt something piercing his body, followed by a surge of immense and pure energy that filled him, eventually waking him up.