Crisis Spreading

As soon as he said those words, Wang Chao regretted it.

His relationship with Shen Bing wasn't that close, and making such a joke was a provocation and humiliation to her.

Sure enough, after hearing those words, Shen Bing stared at him angrily and said, "What did you say?"

"I meant that my visit to the other ship was not what you imagined. I didn't do that kind of thing," Wang Chao said in a low voice.

"Whether you did or didn't do that kind of thing, what does it have to do with me? What I'm asking is, what did you just say? Do you think of me as one of those women?" Shen Bing gritted her teeth.

Wang Chao frowned but didn't answer.

"Wang Chao, in your heart, have you always thought of me this way? Have you been plotting against me for a long time?" Shen Bing said angrily.

"I didn't mean it that way," Wang Chao said.